Monday, December 21, 2015

Female sexual addiction, truth or rumor? | Health and Life

| December 21, 2015 |
- Sexual addiction among women has not been mentioned much. Having said that, female sex addiction is a new model of the times women as sexual behavior under the impact of social life

- Sexual addiction among women has not been mentioned much. Having said that, female sex addiction is a new model of the times women as sexual behavior under the impact of social life (discussed more openly about sex, the proliferation of publications products, websites about sex, sexual devices are sold freely, entertainment and fashion industry seems to have encouraged sexual instinct ...).

- Sexual addiction, like many other addictions or accompanied by miserable, tormented at not getting what you want. Linda one unmarried women revealed "when I do not have enough doses sex, I feel tired, depressed," and then, sex became an indispensable condition for the balance of human. Very difficult to refrain from sex, eventually leading to a frustrating condition for both physical and mind. His sexual addiction urgent nature, irresistible and most do not because a related emotion, but just because the search of pleasure and often leads to negative consequences, eg hard pursue aberration lifestyle and refuse to practice safe sex (without a condom).

The hypothesis of the cause

- However, why not ask the question, whether the evidence is too passionate sex is a defect female gender identity, a weak self-image to decrease both love themselves or have void in the soul that only men can fill. In fact, apart from the search extreme pleasure and orgasms longer have any more secret impulse, the desire to seduce you love and excel above all the feeling there are other people covet? No matter whether or not sexual liberation, the desire in women is more of emotions, whereas in men, the separation between feeling love and sung with power lines rather mediocre.
- It also said that the majority of sex addicts have gone through the family environment is not conducive to the proper development of their personalities, have parental addictions (alcohol, drugs) or behaviors that children precocious sexual instinct or early sexual experience (78% of women have experienced sexual abuse sexual abuse during childhood) to reach adulthood with false personality - introverted, not open and not be guided to think deeply, thoughtfully - the mark is common in drug users, they do not know how to choose the most appropriate solution when it comes to making decisions. Sexual addiction is a sickness known as insulting behavior to habits and customs, are detrimental to others or yourself (affecting work, study ...) rather than passion based on the number volume - a man sexual desire more than usual with their partners or wives / husbands and be accepted is not necessarily pathological. Not all sex addicts have become those acts offend others and not all people with sexual behavior offends other people are sex addicts (only about 55% of those with sexual behavior offends other people is considered sexual abuse). Accurate evaluation of a sex addict should be based on direct dialogue and understanding of the circumstances relating to such acts.

Expression female sexual addiction

- Women with sexually addictive behavior may have manifested as skittish, sexy dress (manifestations of behavioral displays), orthopedic cosmetology, flirtatious young person or even subordinates, are more erotic adventure, despite the boundaries of age, status, maybe even loving relationship with married men, heads, could have sex with people met for the first time in dance, ceremony Assembly (manifestations of sexual behavior does not need to know the object), have self aphrodisiac supplements, seek the pleasure or pain to make others hurt to have orgasms (often called masochistic or sadistic ). Many women sex addicts can undergo periods of sexual frustration - a polar opposite - but it could fall into a new passion.

Can cure the sexual passion in women not?

- It is possible and again stressed that ethics does not involve measures to cure, this is the sexologist consensus. There are many ways, including with the support of tools to help women sexually achieve sexual satisfaction in order to "calm" sung performance, restore confidence and love yourself. There are women over 40, or just experienced divorce happen again indulged in sexual proof, in these people, the need to feel attractive man and needs to reassure took over all. That was the common way to "take back" the love itself.

- In this case, there is the role of the factor "sex without emotions". To put an end to the behavior indulged in sex as both an arduous struggle at first. The person concerned shall set face that anxiety, for example anxiety about aging, about loneliness and looking straight at the truth may bring positive effects. Once enlightened will automatically shift gradually.

- In younger women, the sexual addiction can manifest itself using sexual devices and the "you love a night" - is merely a tool and then the state frustrating, estate eat. Psychologists have said that women sex addicts sometimes hysterical expression enclosed curb such words uttered rude, vulgar, although not want. Therapy is not simple, start with the correct identification of the person concerned real person, followed by the determination of healthy behaviors helps litigants get pleasure, creation of a regional partner for peace where can share their secret desires.

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