Saturday, December 19, 2015

Meditation for Insomnia | Meditation Tip

| December 19, 2015 |

 - In today's society, insomnia is becoming common disease in all ages and in all genders. The method that many patients often applied is to use western medicine, traditional medicine or acupuncture reflexology to cure insomnia. However, effective treatment without drugs method is less widely known Zen.

- To use the correct cures insomnia need to understand the causes and symptoms of insomnia is what? What is insomnia?
- Many people today do not distinguish what is what insomnia and sleep problems common symptoms. Insomnia state is divided into three main types: Trouble sleeping, lack of sleep and insomnia.

  • Difficult sleeping
- Most of us encounter this situation in bed, restless sleep forever new but staying asleep, a small noise and startled, and then try to sleep again very difficult as is the 2 to 3 hours to be asleep.

- This is not a disease that is often encountered difficulty sleeping state but many rely on sleeping pills, tranquilizers, without knowing that these drugs contain many substances. If drinking more will become addicted, no drinking, no sleep!
  • Sleepless:

 - This is where the body wants to sleep, desire to sleep but for some reason that does not sleep, not sleep not. In that case, the eyes are always red, people walking groggy, tired, everyone is a convenient opportunity was struggling to sleep immediately. This case is not called insomnia and do not need medication, but simply facilitates quiet environment is going to sleep.
  • Insomnia:

- For one reason or another, were not narcotic nerve activity should people encounter this case kept impassive eyes, not close their eyes to sleep, only to be or have been a few hours to wake up. Most of these people have lost sleep for days, months and even years.

- In this case, it is called insomnia and needed to cure to treat this disease as drugs or drug Western medicine. However, cure insomnia safety, the most effective you can refer.
  • Cure insomnia by Zen like? 
- This is a business philosophy of Brahmanism had from time immemorial in India. According to Indian thought, that everyone wants to learn the truth of a thing we have to do a mix of things with it. Meditation is the process of concentrating, thinking quietly, not to external dominant, is the process of identification with the character to understand the nature of it.
- In a nutshell, meditation can cure insomnia and some other diseases, improve health, longevity and helps to increase the body's adaptation to the changing conditions of the environment.

- Meditation is just one method, so it wants to work, it takes two factors: Focus thought and perseverance, willpower means exhausted, his energy and go training exercises, if several days without see results now, nor be discouraged, but still must continue until successful. In addition to psychological and physical preparation before in meditation to cure insomnia lasts:
- Eat dinner before bedtime at least 2 hours.

- A warm bath before bed one hour.

- Do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat chili too spicy.

- Wear loose clothing, comfortable.

- Fall and Winter: socks before going to bed.

- Just before going to bed, brush your teeth, wipe the face with warm water.

- For those who sleep or opened the mouth, dry mouth seen light up, to take a piece of tape office paper, small type, width than 1cm, size 2.5 cm long, sealed the mouth! Purpose makes mouth shut, forcing the body to breathe through the nose.
Meditate Sitting : 
- Under the guidance of the coaches of qigong. Most appropriate posture for meditation is the lotus position. We sat out in the wild, in turn hand pull the right foot and placed on the left thigh pull left foot placed on the right thigh. Putting the heel pressed belly, soles backstroke.
- This position put pressure on the bottom part of the body, causing power lines tend to go up in order to foster the pathways along the spinal cord and controls the entire nervous system.
- People not used to sitting lotus position, you can meditate sitting cross-legged posture with ordinary, chin slightly bent to keep the cervical spine - back straight, touch the tongue on the gums.
- Two hands on thighs loose or cross over her stomach, muscle relaxation. Close your eyes while sitting meditation to decrease 50% from external stimuli.
When meditating, we should relax the muscles to steady nerves, enabling a static entry process faster. Meditators know, just relax facial muscles and body can hand is considered to be the whole body relax.
- In addition, under the doctrine Paplop, while focusing nerve inhibition region or a point in the cortex (through relaxation effect) then rinse out this regime will spread inhibitors entire cortex.
Main stage concert stage meditation is concentration on a point or a certain image in order to gradually reach the empty state of mind. We can choose a point on the body or a static image with which to guide the entire mind to a highly centralized state.
- The focus on a point in the lower body, the blood will circulate air and on the bottom, relieve pressure in the head, prone to static import.
- Those difficulty concentrating, then need a method of mind control more closely observed by combining breathing with a focus on acupuncture hara, the lower abdomen about 3 cm from the navel. Accordingly, we focus the movement observed rising and falling under the breath, deep breath to create inertia combined with the generated internally vented gas at the navel.
- People new to meditation should not be too worried if occasionally there will be times of distractions, we just tried to focus back then was. -After The meditation, we need to make some gesture to body fatigue and numbness normal blood circulation before standing up. Some appropriate action to discharge meditation such as pendant legs, rolled over several times, rotating the hips and neck, rubbing her hands along the foot massage, from thigh to feet long.
- To prevent and treat insomnia in elderly people, businessmen and office workers should practice meditation regularly once or twice a day. In the early days, we sat for about 15 minutes each time, then increase each day.
- Initially, our minds often difficult to go into a state of spiritual exercises but the brain has recorded routine, just sitting in meditation posture, close your eyes, tongue brushing or gum on soft relaxing muscles forming classical conditioning to bring fast apprentice in meditative state.

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