Thursday, August 31, 2017

5 Simple Secrets to Wake Up With A Flat Belly

Hey Guys!!

Welcome again.

So today I want to share my top 5 secrets which can give you flat tummy every morning.

For most women, the biggest body hang-up is often their stomach. But before throwing yourself into a heap of sit-ups and crunches, figure out your belly type as there's no one-size-fits-all solution to getting wasboard abs.

Tummy type one: Bloated tummy - If you wake up with a flat stomach but go to bed with a swollen one, you're probably suffering from bloating. This is caused by sluggish bowels, a poor diet, food intolerance or eating too quickly (you end up swallowing too much air). The solution is to make a note of what bothers your tummy and avoid this for a few days to see if it leaves you looking any flatter. Keep your bowels healthy, eat plenty of fibre-rich foods (wholemeal bread, pasta, fruits, and vegetables), chew thoroughly and drink around two litres of water a day to aid digestion. Instead of stuffing your face thrice a day, eat three mediumsized meals with healthy snacks in between.

Tummy type two: Stress tummy - Too much stress can also give you a fat stomach. Higher stress levels mean a lot of cortisol, which dumps fat all over your stomach. To slim down, you need to calm down. A stress tummy is easy to identify - women who have them tend to have slim arms and legs but a little swollen tummy. Besides cortisol, stress causes you to make the wrong food choices and thereby making you fat. Sugar and heavily processed foods up your body's stress levels. Put calming, wholesome foods into your body instead, such as lean protein (turkey, chicken, fish) and lots of vegetables for more energy and better health.

Tummy type three: Post-baby tummy - If you've had a baby in the last few years, your tummy probably isn't your favourite body part. However, help is at hand. The most effective post-baby exercise is working your pelvic floor muscles, which are the ones you'd use if you wanted to stop yourself from peeing midflow. Clench them for a few seconds and release, then repeat. Do them every day if you can.

To encourage fat burning and improving your energy levels, take fish oil supplements.

Good fats have the same effect, so include plenty of nuts, oils, olives, oily fish such as mackerel in your daily diet.
| August 31, 2017 |

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Rose Petal Tea for Inches Loss: No Diet-No Exercise Lose up to 5 inches off your waist

How to Use Rose Petal to Lose Weight Naturally– Roses are beautiful to watch and their fragrance is no less than first love. You gave it to your love one and surely the first love is you yourself. Why do not you gift yourself the gift of roses and its benefits? Confused? Roses have been found very beneficial in solving the problem of weighty issues of the body. Research finds that rose petals are actually instrumental in solving a great array of issues related to the weight scales. It can help you lose weight naturally and effectively.

Your body is a temple and surely you will want to keep it fit and fine. Do not wait for valentine day to come! Gift your body the blessing of essential rose’s petals. Do not know how to use it? Looking for effective remedies to use Rose petals? Searching for ways to lose weight? Healthybuffet brings you the best remedies in the blog, “How to use Rose petals to lose weight naturally”. They have been enriched and endorsed by great profits in cutting those fats and gifting you a body which smells great and feels great inside out.

Want to know the benefits of rose petals as effective as for weight loss program which is as follows:

It is good for digestion process as it cleanses the intestine as well as relieves constipation.
It has astringent properties which will help you relief inflammation effectively.
Roses have been long described as great for skin as it cleanses and tones the skin.
Having a cold and flu? Roses have been found as an effective remedy with respiratory properties.
It contains a good amount of Vitamin B, C & E.
Antibacterial properties as well as cures a headache.
Is aging making things worse? Rose petals are good for you too.
They have antiseptic properties.

Please add half spoon of fennel seeds and half spoon of cumin seeds and 3 slices of lemon as well.
| August 29, 2017 | ,

Sunday, August 27, 2017

3 Healthy Sandwich Recipes For Weight Loss

Hey guys!!

If you do want to use healthy sandwich recipes to help you lose weight, try out these easy 3 healthy sandwich recipes for weight loss.

1. Egg sandwich:-
2. Brinjal sandwich
3. Fruits sandwich

always use multigrain bread in sandwich and if you don't have multigrain bread than always use brown bread.

No mayonnaise, no sauces.

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| August 27, 2017 |

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

5 Weight Loss Hacks That Actually Work to Lose Weight Fast and Easy

1. DRINK WATER: Have you ever consumed a half a gallon or more water in a day? In my opinion, this is one of the best hacks for weight loss. There is not a lot of room left for junk food. Try it for 30 days. I’m on day 14 of the water challenge and I’ve lost 3 pounds. – Not to mention I’ve got more energy and feel a ton better!

2. Use a smaller plate: It helps your mind think there is more food and there is less you can put on a plate.

3. Walk a bit further: Take that last parking stall at the mall and walk a bit further.

Take the stairs vs elevator/escalator.

4. Stop drinking soda and junk: Go for water. Flavor it with fruit if you need to

Eat 1-2 cups of veggies before lunch and dinner. You’ll be too full to finish your dinner.

5. Stop the fat talk and become your biggest fan
| August 22, 2017 |

Friday, August 18, 2017

Weight Loss Drink to Lose 5 Kgs in 1 Month Without Diet

Weight Loss Drink to Lose 5 Kgs in 1 Month Without Diet | Fat Cutter Drink for Night.

Aloe Vera for Weight Loss: We all know that Aloe Vera heals cuts and wounds and that we can use it as a soothing balm for burns. But did you know that it’s also an effective tool for weight loss?

Aloe Vera comes in gel, latex, and juice form, and it is extracted from the tubules of the Aloe Vera plant, which contains 75 active vitamins, minerals, enzymes, carbohydrates, amino acids, salicylic acids, and phytochemicals (sapanins). You’re about to discover how all these elements can help you loose weight cheaply and naturally so you can avoid obesity and all the health problems associated with it.

How Does Aloe Vera Aid in Weight Loss?

Aloe Vera contains natural anti-oxidants that slow the growth of free radicals in the body.
It is also scientifically proven to increase your metabolism and reduce Body Mass Index (BMI) by helping your body turn carbohydrates and fats into energy rather than storing them.

Aloe Vera stimulates production of collagen, a protein that promotes muscle development. Your body spends a lot of energy assimilating the collagen protein, and energy expenditure helps you lose weight.

Collagen also speeds up metabolism and ensures that food is stored in the lower intestine for shorter time periods.

Aloe Vera is packed with vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid, and niacin, all of which help to burn calories and reduce body fat.

Aloe Vera Juice is also a natural laxative. It forces food out of the colon faster, preventing constipation, improving digestion, and detoxifying the body.

It also helps manage diabetes and balance your blood sugar by promoting slow sugar absorption.

Aloe Vera cleanses the digestive system and boosts energy levels, the recipes described below are best consumed first thing in the morning and before workouts. Always check with your doctor before using Aloe Vera in any form. Ask about side effects, proper dosage, and whether it will interact negatively with any medications you’re taking.
| August 18, 2017 |

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Water Retention: Home Remedy to Get Rid of Bloating from Body

Water retention occurs in the circulatory system or within tissues and cavities. It can cause swelling in the hands, feet, ankles and legs.
There are several reasons why it happens, many of which are not serious.

Some women experience water retention during pregnancy or before their monthly period.

People who are physically inactive, such as when bedridden or sitting through long flights, may also be affected.

However, water retention can also be a symptom of a severe medical condition like kidney disease or heart failure. If you're having sudden or severe water retention then seek medical attention immediately.

But in cases where the swelling is mild and there is no underlying health condition, you may be able to reduce water retention with a few simple tricks.

Here are 6 ways to reduce water retention.

1. Eat Less Salt
2. Increase Your Magnesium Intake
3. Increase Vitamin B6 Intake
4. Eat More Potassium-Rich Foods
5. Try Taking Dandelion
6. Avoid Refined Carbs
| August 16, 2017 |

Saturday, August 12, 2017

New Weight Loss Diet Plan to Lose 4Kg in 1 Week

New Weight Loss Diet Plan to Lose 4Kg in 1 Week | How to Lose Weight Fast 4Kg in 7 Days with Quinoa

uinoa is one of the world's most popular health foods.

Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain all nine essential amino acids.

It is also high in fiber, magnesium, B-vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin E and various beneficial antioxidants.

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| August 12, 2017 |
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