Monday, November 28, 2016

How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy at Home in 10 Days

Hi Everyone, Today I am going to show you two ingredients which are available in everyone kitchen, which can burn your fat very easily and help you to loose weight naturally. 

Cumin seed & Carom seeds

They are actually a magical ingredient are actually works amazing on weight loss. 

In my video I am going to prepare two weight loss drinks by using carom and cumin. 

I would suggest please use carom seeds for first15 days and cumin seeds for rest 15 days in a month. 

First Drink:- In night take a glass of water add one spoon of Carom or cumin seeds and let it be soaked for overnight and in morning after removing seeds drink the water. 

Second Drink:- Before going to sleep, take half glass of water add spoon of seeds (Cumin or carom) and let it be bowl for 1 minute and before going to bed drink that tea. 

If you regularly use these weight loss drinks in your life style you will be able to loss weight naturally from 5 to 10 kgs in just 30 days. 


1. They are a good source of iron and keeps immune system healthy. 
2. Water boiled with cumin seeds is good for coping with dysentery. 
3. Cumin (also known as Caraway) oil is specially used to remove flatulence. 
4. Also a cup of tea made from caraway (cumin) seeds taken thrice a day after a meal will give flatulence relief.
5. The tea is prepared by adding a tslp of caraway seed in 1.5 – 2 litres of boiling water and allows simmering on slow fire for 15 min. Strain and sip hot to get best of results.
6. Carom (Ajwain) is mucous clearing and beneficial in treating respiratory diseases. 
7. A mix of the seed and buttermilk is effective for relieving difficult expectoration caused by dry phlegm. 
8. A hot fomentation with the seeds is a popular household remedy for asthma.
9. Carom is good for muscular pains the seeds should be fried in coconut oil and should be massaged as a liniment in treating this condition. 

If you have any query please comment below and don’t forget to subscribe my channel for regular updates on weight loss and beauty tips. 

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Take care

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